Genealogical research

  • Genealogical research

    Genealogical research is a service that involves the search for all possible ancestors of an individual within a specified period. During the research process, lost genealogical connections are reconstructed, family compositions are established, previously unknown surnames, social status, and the occupations of long-deceased relatives are identified. Before starting the research, the client's initial data is thoroughly examined, the prospects of the search are assessed, and work in archives begins. Both primary genealogical sources, such as vital records and population censuses, and additional materials providing more details about the ancestors' lives are studied. The result of the research is a report on the conducted search with copies of all discovered documents. The duration of genealogical research ranges from 5 to 8 months.
  • Biographical search

    Archives contain an extensive number of documents containing information about the life of each individual. These materials include personal files with questionnaires and autobiographies, which may also include photographs, residence registration documents, and civil status records such as birth, marriage (divorce), and death. A biographical search may involve looking into criminal cases, party records, personal records from educational institutions, depending on the individual's history. This service is often sought to explore the life of a relative who lived in the 20th century for further genealogical research. Typically, such research lasts from 3 to 6 months.
  • Document search

    Our services include searching for specific documents in archives, various institutions, and organizations. This service can be useful for confirming kinship or property rights. European Genealogical Center specialists search for diverse documents, such as civil status records like birth, marriage (divorce), and death, personal files from workplaces and educational institutions, and residence registration documents, among others. Clients are provided with copies of the discovered materials or archival references, depending on their goals. Search timelines depend on the specific document and usually take up to 3 months.
  • Repatriation

    Repatriation services are in demand for citizens wishing to return to the historical homeland of their ancestors. Repatriation programs operate in many European countries, and successful completion requires documents confirming the nationality of the individual's ancestor. The European Genealogical Center, with experience in searching for such documents, can assist in locating and preparing all necessary paperwork. It is essential to first confirm the relationship between the repatriating individual and their direct ancestor, a representative of the nationality of the country to which the person intends to move. Subsequently, documents confirming the nationality of the relative, such as civil status records, personal files, and residence registration documents, are gathered. The outcome of the work is a package of documents proving the individual's right to repatriation. The search duration typically ranges from 4 to 6 months.
  • Family history book

    A family history book is the result of meticulous work that begins with genealogical research, during which archival documents are collected, interviews with relatives are conducted, and visits to the ancestors' places of residence are made. The gathered information serves as the basis for a unique text created by our specialists. The book can be dedicated to a specific family or several families, covering different time periods. After writing the text, designers and editors work on creating the book, filling the research results with illustrations, photographs, paintings, maps, and family trees. The entire process is conducted in close collaboration with the client to consider their preferences and feedback. The final product is a unique family history embodied in a colorful and rich book, making it an excellent gift and a valuable contribution to family heritage. The timeline for working on the book usually ranges from 10 to 15 months.
  • Website dedicated to Family history

    For the first time in the service market, our center offers to present the results of genealogical research in the form of a website. This innovative product can either replace a family history book or complement it. It is assumed that the client has a completed study (conducted independently or by the European Genealogical Center), which is adapted for the internet by our specialists. The research text is processed, and then a website layout with possible configurations, functionality, and content is created, which is then coordinated with the client. The result is a unique online resource that will not be subject to the passage of time and will preserve the history of ancestors for descendants better than a paper book. The duration of website creation depends on the scope of the research and ranges from 5 to 8 months.

Countries where we conduct research

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