Document search

Searching for specific documents in archives, various institutions, and organizations can be useful for confirming kinship or property rights. Specialists from the European Genealogical Center search for a variety of documents, such as civil registration records or personal records: birth, marriage (divorce), and death certificates; autobiographies, personal files from workplaces, educational institutions, service records, household and estate books, family lists, population censuses, residential registration documents, military records, and others.
  • The scope of the search depends on the client's preferences.
  • The documents we assist in finding can span from the 20th and 19th centuries to earlier historical periods.
  • Clients are provided with copies of discovered materials (digital or certified by the archive) or archival references, depending on their goals.
  • The timeframe for document search is from 1 to 3 months.
  • The cost of this service starts from 50 euro.
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