Biographical Research: Find Information About a Relative

A Detailed Life Story of Your Ancestors
Biographical research focuses on studying the life of a specific individual. Our specialists conduct archival searches, retrieving autobiographies, personal records, birth, marriage, and death certificates, as well as information about residence, service, and education. Depending on the historical context, records such as party and criminal cases, service documents, award lists, and other materials may be found. This service is most often requested for studying the life of relatives who lived in the second half of the 19th and 20th centuries. Biographical research provides a deeper understanding of family history through the lens of an individual's life.
Example of biographical research
  • The scope of research depends on the initial data provided by the client. Before beginning the research, available information about the person's places of residence, work, and service is analyzed.
  • The research period can be limited to a specific time frame or span the entire lifetime of the individual.
  • The result of the research is a report detailing the findings, including copies of all discovered documents. The report can be provided in electronic or printed form and may also be compiled into a unique book.
  • Duration of biographical research: 3 to 6 months.
  • Cost of biographical research: starting from 400 euros.

Biographical Research: Reconstructing a Life’s Journey

How is biographical research conducted?

After analyzing the client's initial data, our specialists determine the research direction, then conduct a comprehensive biographical study using various sources: materials from state and municipal archives, personal documents, scientific literature, and publications. The final report presents the biography of the individual, along with extracts and copies of all discovered documents.

What does biographical research include?

Biographical research involves an in-depth analysis of archival and historical sources, enabling the reconstruction of a person's life. This process includes studying autobiographies, personal and service records, residence, work, service, and education details, as well as party, criminal, and award documents, if available. Additionally, the historical and social context influencing the individual’s life is examined. The client receives a report with copies of the discovered documents, which can be provided electronically, in print, or as a unique book.

Why conduct biographical research?

Biographical research helps not only restore facts from a person’s life but also understand the historical context that shaped their destiny. It reveals personal relationships, social connections, professional activities, and significant events that left an imprint on their biography.

Explore our full range of genealogical services

Genealogical research

  • From 1000 euro
  • From 4 to 8 months

Repatriation (nationality confirmation)

  • From 200 euro
  • From 4 to 6 months

Document search

  • From 50 euro
  • From 1 to 3 months

Family history book

  • Price is negotiable
  • From 10 to 15 months

Website dedicated to family history

  • Price is negotiable
  • From 6 to 12 months

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