Family History Book – Preserve Your Family Legacy

A Family Chronicle Passing Down Generational Memory
Creating a family history book is a unique opportunity to preserve the memory of your ancestors and pass it on to future generations. The process begins with genealogical research, which includes searching archival records, conducting interviews with relatives, and gathering historical and cultural information. Our specialists then write and structure the content, while designers bring the book to life with illustrations, photographs, maps, and genealogical charts. The entire project is developed in close collaboration with the client, ensuring all their preferences are taken into account.
  • The average book length is around 500 pages, but the final volume depends on the number of family branches included.
  • We offer a complete service, from genealogical research to publishing, or we can design a book based on existing research.
  • The final product is a unique family history, beautifully compiled into a richly illustrated book—a perfect gift and a valuable family heirloom.
  • The creation process typically takes 10 to 15 months.
  • The cost of a genealogy book is discussed individually.

Family History Book: Preserving Heritage and Ancestral Memory

What does a family history book include?

The book presents your family’s history in chronological order, from the past to the present. Based on regional and archival materials, academic literature, and historical sources, it narrates the lives of your ancestors - their family structure, living conditions, occupations, and historical events they experienced. Archival records discovered during research are supplemented with cultural and historical context, as well as family legends, elder recollections, and rare photographs, making the book especially valuable.

How is the book created?

The process begins with genealogical research, where archival records are used to trace direct ancestors and relatives. The gathered data is then analyzed, systematized, and turned into a chronological narrative. The book’s design includes illustrations, photographs, copies of archival documents, and family trees. Once the layout is completed, it is reviewed and approved by the client before publication.

Why create a family history book?

A family history book becomes a treasured family heirloom that can be passed down through generations. It allows you to preserve the memory of your ancestors, understand your roots, and share your family’s journey with children and grandchildren. The book fosters a deeper connection to the past and strengthens a sense of belonging to your family’s historical legacy.

Explore our full range of genealogical services

Genealogical research

  • From 1000 euro
  • From 4 to 8 months

Biographical research

  • From 400 euro
  • From 3 to 6 months

Repatriation (nationality confirmation)

  • From 200 euro
  • From 4 to 6 months

Document search

  • From 50 euro
  • From 1 to 3 months

Website dedicated to family history

  • Price is negotiable
  • From 6 to 12 months

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