European Genealogical Center

Searching for ancestors throughout Europe

European Genealogical Center

Searching for ancestors throughout Europe
European Genealogical Center
Searching for ancestors throughout Europe

About our center

We are a large international team of historians, specializing in genealogical research across various countries and regions of Europe. Our company provides a comprehensive range of high-quality genealogical services. With us, you can uncover extensive information about your ancestors, delve into the biographies of your relatives, and obtain documented proof of nationality for repatriation to another country

About our center

We are a large international team of historians, specializing in genealogical research across various countries and regions of Europe. Our company provides a comprehensive range of high-quality genealogical services. With us, you can uncover extensive information about your ancestors, delve into the biographies of your relatives, and obtain documented proof of nationality for repatriation to another country

Our Services

The European Genealogical Center extends a diverse array of genealogy services, with a particular emphasis on three primary directions

Our Services

The European Genealogical Center extends a diverse array of genealogy services, with a particular emphasis on three primary directions

Genealogical research

With us, you can explore the history of your genus and learn about the lives of your ancestors up to the 16th century

Genealogical research

With us, you can explore the history of your genus and learn about the lives of your ancestors up to the 16th century

Document search

Our experts are capable of conducting thorough searches for any documents you may be interested in, whether they reside in archives or enterprises

Document search

Our experts are capable of conducting thorough searches for any documents you may be interested in, whether they reside in archives or enterprises


We carry out searches for documents verifying the nationality of your ancestors, providing you with the necessary documentation for repatriation


We carry out searches for documents verifying the nationality of your ancestors, providing you with the necessary documentation for repatriation


The European Genealogical Center conducts research in many regions of the European continent. Currently, we work with clients from Poland, Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, and Russia

Take a look which countries we conduct research in
The list is expanding

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